27 farbwechsel EN

farbwechsel: weiß, gelb, rot, blau, schwarz, grün

Based on traditional color theories, the “farbwechsel” [color change] set consists of six volumes that feature black, white, the primary colors, and green. Each volume is assigned a color and a corresponding theme. They all have the same format, but are executed differently; some are in landscape format and some are in portrait format, and one is an accordion.

farbwechsel: weiß

In Eastern cultures, the color white symbolizes grief and death. This book contains photographs and headlines about the Japanese tsunami disaster in March 2011. The images come from international online newspapers and are collected along with the corresponding headlines within the course of a year, from March 11, 2011, to March 11, 2012. The photographs and information are letterpress printed with opaque white ink on white paper.

24 photographs printed with polymer plates, hand-set (Block), letterpress printed, uncoated paper, printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine, 56 pages, 41.8 × 29.4 cm, 33 numbered and signed copies, Flörsheim 2012

farbwechsel: gelb

This book contains a chapter from H.C. Artmann’s “Die Sonne war ein grünes Ei. Von der Erschaffung der Welt und ihren Dingen” [The Sun was a Green Egg. On the Creation of the World and its Objects]. The text is printed with yellow ink on yellow paper, using 20-cicero wood type letters. Because no more than five or six of the wood type letters fit into a line, the words cannot be separated into syllables. Printed in overlapping format, the text looks like a pattern at first glance, but is still legible.
Hand-set (Futura), letterpress printed, uncoated yellow paper, printed paper-covered boards, 88 pages, 29.4 × 41.8 cm, 33 numbered and signed copies, Flörsheim 2012

farbwechsel: rot

The kiss photographs, taken of a television screen, come from various Hollywood movies and show Lauren Bacall, Diane Baker, Humphrey Bogart, Charlie Chaplin, Tony Curtis, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Peter O’Toole, Gregory Peck and Elizabeth Taylor. The book runs through every kissing-pair combination, so in the end each actress kisses every actor and each actor kisses every actress. The photographs are printed in various shades of red, violet, orange and hot pink.

25 photographs printed with polymer plates, title and colophon computer typesetting (Bauer Bodoni), letterpress printed, uncoated paper, printed paper-covered boards, 60 pages, 29.4 × 41.8 cm, 33 numbered and signed copies, Flörsheim 2011

farbwechsel: blau

Photographs from the aquarium at the Frankfurt Zoo are combined with Hans Arp’s poem “Wie kämen uns himmelblaue Seelen …” [How convenient would sky-blue souls …]. The time exposure means that slow-moving fish and any fish that stay in the same spot for a while are easier to see in the photo than others that swim quickly. Even though they were there and swam through the frame, in some cases they can even completely vanish from the photo. The poem is letterpress printed on the photographs with transparent base. The color of the lettering comes from the photograph underneath; the gloss of the transparent base makes the lettering on the matte-printed photographs legible.

17 color photographs offset printed, hand-set (Akzidenz-Grotesk), letterpress printed, coated paper, printed paper-covered boards, 32 pages, 29.4 × 41.8 cm, 33 numbered and signed copies, Flörsheim 2013

farbwechsel: schwarz

For this accordion, photographs are taken at dusk using time exposure. The offset-printed photographs are then letterpress printed with slightly translucent black rectangles. Excerpts from Giorgio Manganelli’s text “La Notte” [The Night], in the original Italian as well as in a German translation, appear in some of the black rectangles. Here, the lettering is negative on the polymer plate and sometimes seems lighter, sometimes darker, due to the structure of the photograph underneath.

16 black and white photographs offset printed, computer typesetting (Akzidenz-Grotesk), texts letterpress printed with polymer plates, Zerkall mould-made paper, double-sided accordion, printed paper-covered boards, 32 pages, 29.4 × 41.8 cm (extends out to 500 × 41.8 cm), 33 numbered and signed copies, Flörsheim 2013

farbwechsel: grün

Using an excerpt from Virginia Woolf’s text “To the Lighthouse,” this book attempts to visually represent the themes of dissolved shapes, abstract signs, recognizing the shape of a letter. Each of the letters in the excerpt is individually split in two on the computer. Next, the two fragment levels are printed on two transparency films in various shades of green; the films overlay one another in the bound book. The two fragment levels are slightly shifted from one another, and the reader can align them by sliding the films over, making the text legible. At the end of the book is a double-page spread with the German translation of the text: “Zum Leuchtturm.”

Computer typesetting (Thesis TheMix), laser-printed, transparency film, uncoated green papers, printed paper-covered boards with cloth spine, 64 pages, 41.8 × 29.4 cm, 33 numbered and signed copies, Flörsheim 2011

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